David P. Jackson
Founder, President
CleanLogix LLC
Clean Imagineering LLC
Office: +1 661 430 6767
Cell: +1 661 803 0546
Mr. Jackson began his career in 1979 at the bench analyzing pollution in wastes generated and discharged by industrial manufacturers and municipal wastewater treatment plants. Following graduation from college and working as group head of precision cleaning and contamination control at Hughes Aircraft Company, Technology Support Division, he developed and was awarded patents for new cleaning technologies based on environmentally-safe chemistries (CO2, H2O2, O3, Bio-based) for use during the manufacture of advanced aerospace products such as communications satellites and orbital weapon systems. While launching his first CO2 business in 1991, Mr. Jackson worked as an environmental engineering consultant, helping manufacturers reduce and treat regulated waste by-products generated by their production operations.
Over the past 38 years, Mr. Jackson’s hands-on and creative problem-solving approach has resulted in the development and implementation of cost- and performance-effective clean manufacturing solutions for both large and small manufacturers. Companies have benefited financially with improved product quality, greater manufacturing productivity, reduced material requirements, lower energy, and decreased regulatory burdens. Others have benefited from the development of entirely new clean manufacturing products and services for new markets and applications. These businesses have improved the environmental quality and safety for their employees, customers and communities.
Mr. Jackson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from California State University and attended Graduate School at California Lutheran University. He has been issued more than 50 patents worldwide.